Sunday, November 11, 2007

November 11, 2007

Today was a tough day, I learned that one can work very hard to gain self-confidence, security to replace the insecurity we develop over the years, and in one fell swoop, everything you have worked hard for, can be destroyed with just a few simple words. Words that leave you feeling helpless and worthless, suddenly you realize you have to start from ground zero and rebuild everything you just lost.

You wonder why people "lose it" and flip out, I don't understand why when someone is troubled, they have a hard time talking about the issues that let them flip out. When they don't talk, and choose to shut down and leave you standing there........wondering what the hell happened.

I try to understand.......but I don't. I hate silence, I hate being ignored and shut out. I have an extremely hard time with this type of behavoir. Especially when they realize what they did was wrong and can't find the words to say I am sorry. Or...........don't acknowledge your feelings and how this has affected you also.

I do know, I can't do this nor live with this..............this has sent me pretty much over the edge.
Why are people so self centered and ignorant.

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