Friday, November 9, 2007

November 9, 2007

It's November already........does not seem possibe. I just spent the last 11 days with my mom in south dakota. During this visit we drove to Pekin, Illinois to see my brother. It has been at least 5 years since I saw him last. He, unfortunately, is in FCI there and will be there for a while. What an experience that was. The process that you have to go through to be able to get in to visit an inmate is exhausting. The biggest fear is the prison staff has to drug test every one who enters. This is a test done with an ion wand which they run over the top of your hands and the palms of your hands, and a front pocket of your pants.

My mom tested positive back in May........she has never done drugs in her life. Needlesss to say she was pretty upset. Once you test positive, you have to be tested everytime you go to visit. After she got home in May, she started researching the validity of this wand and what other process one has to do to protect themselves from coming up positive. She found that there are soaps, lotions, door handles that one can pick up drug residue from. Including money!

So she found that alcohol wipes and latex gloves have been her defense in beating their drug testing system.

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